CSE564 - Spring 1999

                                                         Assignment 3

                                             Due:   April  6, 1999, 11 am

In this assignement you will learn how to use VTK.

part 1

In this part  you will develop the familiarity with VTK ,   learn how to compile and run VTK applications

Below is a  step-by-step example of how to compile and run   a VTK application at Tansaction Lab

          1.   Some important paths:

                Vtk2.0 is installed at :           f : \vtk20
                VC++ 4.0 is at:                      f : \MSDEV

         2.  Visual C++ 4.0 can be run from  the menu:

                 Start->Utils ->programming->Visual C++ 4.0
                 If there is no Utils menu , you can run  : F:\MSDEV\BIN\MSDEV (use explore)

         3.  After entering your account, you can copy the following example source code into your account:

                  f: \vtk20\vtk\graphics\examplesCxx\VisQuad.cxx

         4.  Run Visual C++ 4.0 .  Open your source file :
              from the  "file "  menu.  The under "Build " menu , select  "build VisQuad.exe ".  In
               the following pop up window press  "Yes "  ( It will create workspace for your project ).

         5. Set path for include file and library:

               Under " tools " , select  "options ",  select  "Directories" .
               Under the "show directories for :"  select  "include files ".
               Then add


              Under the "show directories for :"  select  "library  files ".  Then add :


        6. Go to  "Build " , select  "Setting ".  then select  "link" tab. In the  "Object/Library modules  " catagory  add:


        7 . Go to  "Build ", select  "Build  VisQuad.exe "
                    This time everything should be OK

        8. Go to  "Build",  select   "Execute cone3.exe "

                     Some contouring surface of  quadric function should appear in your screen.

        9. Check out the interactive commands : left mouse button to rotate, "w" to wireframe, "e" to quit the program

        Now try to answer following questiones :


     Modify VisQuad.cxx.   Use SetUserMethod to define a user function to be activated by typing ``u'' during the
     interactive   process. Call SetUserMethod  using iren pointer.

     Define the user function in a way that the quadric parameters and the isovalue can be changed into this function. In
     this function define a menu (using printf) that enables commands to be entered by the user (using scanf). The
     commands should allow changing all the 10 quadric coefficients , the number of isosurface and  the isovalues. They
     should  also show the old  value before changing.

     Special attention should be taken to pass the parameters to the user function. By convention the only parameter
     allowed is a ``void'' pointer. A convenient way to solve this problem is grouping all needed pointers and data into a
     ``struct'' and pass a pointer to this structure.


        You are asked to write a VTK application which uses  VtkContourFilter to extract the isosurface  from a  high
         potiential  iron protein molecule.

        The  dataset is  at  :   f:  \VolVis\VolVis.2.1\data\SLC\tran\neghip.slc

        The dataset can be loaded into VTK pipeline by  VtkSLCReader.

         Compile and run  your code.  You should get something like Plate 15  of the Textbook  (P.277)

Submission Requirement :

      You should submit a source code and an exexutable file for every part :

                 part 1 :    VisQuad.cxx    VisQuad.exe     Answer.txt ( for two questiones )
                 part 2 :    UserMethod.cxx  UserMethod.exe
                 part 3 :    Contour.cxx     Contour.exe

On-line Manual of VTK

      There is a nice on-line man page  of VTK :


      The home page of VTK is  at :
