CSE 213 - Syllabus

Course Topics

Tentative list of topics to be covered.

Grading Schema

The course grades will be based on quizzes and exams according to the following formula: (Each of the five quizzes will count for 5% and each of the two midterm exams for 20% of the final grade.)

Homework Assignments

Homework exercises will be posted regularly throughout the semester. Solutions to selected exercises will be discussed in recitations and/or made available on the course website.

The homework assignments do not directly contribute to the course grade but will form the basis for the quizzes, which do contribute to the final grades. Quizzes will be held during recitations. They are tentatively scheduled for weeks 4, 6, 8, 10, and 14 of the semester.

Disabled Students

If you have a physical, emotional or medical disability that may impact your ability to complete the course work or which requires extra time on examinations, please contact the Disabled Student Services staff. DSS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation of disability is confidential.