Developing the Course Site Generator App

HW 5 - Implementation Stage II

In the second stage of our implementation we'll implement file I/O as well as add Use Cases scheduled for the Second Benchmark.


In this assignment you will continue to implement file management, which should manage all data saving and loading. Note that we don't have a fully functioning interface yet for creating a map but that's ok as you can fake the Use Cases that you haven't implemented with default data for now. Note that to test file exporting, you should should download a program that lets you view exported maps to see if they are in the proper format. In this assignment you must complete the following Use Cases:

In addition:

Note that if you complete these requirements you are encouraged to continue work on the remaining ones for the last assignment.

Handin Instructions

When you are done, zip up all the projects as a single zip file. Note that you should add your name as the author to any source file you provide.


Note, we will not be doing grading by appointment for this assignment.