Fall 2001
Stony Brook
Software Engineering
Annie Liu
Homework 2
Handout H2
Sept. 4, 2001
Due Sept. 7 and Sept. 11

Group Project Description; What I Did

This assignment has two parts, worth 90% and 10% of the grade, respectively. Printed/written copies of both parts are due on Tuesday Sept. 11, but you must discuss Part I with me by Friday Sept. 7; please also see detailed requirements below.

Part I. Group Project Description.

Look at the list of groups, and find the group you are in. You had till last Thursday to tell me preferences, but I've satisfied or resolved all requests I received by the weekend. If you have real problems, please let me know what they are and we will try to solve them as much as we can; otherwise, I can not make any exceptions---a single move would affect at least 10 people.

If you are listed as the first person in a group, please email other members of the group and schedule a meeting together. Other members of the team are also encourage to initiate contact. Only by acting early can you find and solve problem early.

1. Each group is asked to give a name to itself, as if it is (part of) a company or some organization. This way, we can refer to it as, say, the Cat team as opposed to the John-Ken-Mary-Pat team. You may also assign positions to each team member but this is not essential at this point. Include the group name in all your group related course work.

2. Each group is asked to decide a project to work on for the course. The project can be chosen from the projects described in Homework 1 by a member of the group or by other students in the class, the example Web Spreadsheet project in Homework 1, or the loan arranger project in the textbook. It may also be from other projects. In all cases, you must convince me that it is a good thing to work on.

  • Each group must get an approval from me about the project you want to work on by this Friday morning, preferably by this Thursday afternoon. We need to make sure that it has interesting components, and that it is of an appropriate size. You can communicate with me in any way you like, coming to my office hours, talking with me after class, or emailing me.

    3. Each group, after getting an approval from me, is asked to write a project description, one that is clear and well-motivated. See requirements in Homework 1; you may do a much better job than in Homework 1, since you have 5 or 6 people now compared to 1 before:).

  • Each group is asked to make a project page, containing the group information and (a link to) the project description. Email me a line containing the URL of the group project page, in the following form
    <a href="url-of-group-project-page">Group Project Name</a> -- Group Name
    by Tuesday before class. No late assignment will be accepted (i.e., you get 0, though you still need to do the work if you are taking the course :-(, so don't be late).

    Part II. What I did.

    Describe what you did for the course this week, as in Part III of Homework 1.

    Special Note. Submit printed/written copies of both the group project description for Part I and the individual list for Part II to Jingyu Yan during or before his next Tuesday's office hour 4-5pm, as there will be no class next week.


    As in the Bonus part of Homework 1.