Fall 2001
Stony Brook
Software Engineering
Annie Liu
Homework 10
Handout H10
Nov. 26, 2001
Due Dec. 4

Group Project Delivery; What I Did

This assignment has two parts, worth 90% and 10% of the grade, respectively. Printed/written copies of both parts are due in class on Tuesday Dec. 4. Each group should hand in one copy for Part I, and each person should hand in individually Part II.

Part I. Group Project Delivery.

Each group is asked to package your system and deliver it on the web, either as a direct web application or as a downloadable system from the web.

This includes providing a User's Manual for the system. Note that by "user", we mean anyone that needs to use the system; for example, it should include operators of your system. Basically, you need to describe the complete process of getting, setting up, and using your software. (As mentioned two weeks ago, there will be no classes this week, as I will be at a conference, and you are asked to read the textbook and do the homework by yourself.)

Submit your User's Manual, which must start with a link to your web page that contains the delivered system. Also email this link with your group name to ailiATcsDOTsunysbDOTedu.

Each group is also asked to be ready for project presentation in classes by Tuesday Dec. 4. I have asked every group for preferences in terms of presentation ordering but also told everyone that there is no guarantee of a particular time until later. This is to be fair to everyone as long as possible (even though it is particularly hard for software engineering). I will post a schedule by the coming Sunday.

Part II. What I Did.

Describe what you did for the course this week, as in Part III of Homework 1.

A Bonus Problem.

As in the Bonus part of Homework 1.