EST 207 Interaction Design

Team Projects

Over the semester, you will work on 2 team projects. They are ...

  1. Utility App: Design an app that will help someone to do something.
  2. Educational Game: Design a casual game that will either teach someone something new or reinforce something learned elsewhere.

Project Assignments

For each project, you will need to do the following:
  1. Create an ePortfolio for the project
  2. Create a Scenario and 1 or 2 Personas - have 1 team member write the Scenario, and the other(s) write a Persona
  3. Create Wireframes - have each team member create their own independently; the Instructor will select the best one
  4. Collect Assets - create a new section entitled "Assets". This must include ...
  5. Evaluation - Be prepared to talk about and show an early version of your app. You will be placed into groups of teams.
  6. Presentation - you have 2 minutes to ...