Submission instructions for Homework 2. Please make sure you do the following: 1. There should be a single Visual C++ Workspace, with one project for each executable program. 2. There should be one executable program per task, where a task takes a single set of inputs and produces a single output file. 3. All programs must output your results to files, either to image files or to text files as appropriate. 4. You should test your code under Visual Studio. If your program takes inputs at the command line, you should make sure when you hand it in that at least one set of inputs is present in the Debug settings for each executable program. If you have processed the sample files by running the program from within the Visual Studio environment, then you should have already done this for testing. 5. You should include all of the output files from processing samples in your hand-in. 6. You should delete your Project 1 hand-ins before submitting Project 2. 7. You should submit your projects as a Zip compressed file, using the method described in class. For those of you that weren't there that day, you should right-click on the Project2 folder, and from the pop-up menu select the entry "Add to .zip" where is the name of your Project 2 folder. You should then move or copy .zip to the hand-in directory. 8. The readme file should not only contain the names of all the files, but it should specify what each of them are. For example: project2.dsw - Main VC Workspace File for entire Project 2 gaussian.dsp - VC Project file for Gaussian Filter program gaussian.cpp - source code for Gaussian Filter program gaussian.exe - Gaussian Filter program binary executable canny.dsp - VC Project file for Canny Edge Detector program canny.cpp - source code for Canny Edge Detector program canny.exe - Canny Edge Detector program binary executable sobel.dsp - VC Project file for Sobel Edge Detector program sobel.cpp - source code for Sobel Edge Detector program sobel.exe - Sobel Edge Detector program binary executable lena-noise.ras - Sample input file lena-noise-smooth.ras - Sample output file for Gaussian filter lena-noise-smooth-canny.ras - Sample output file for Canny edge detect lena-noise-smooth-sobel.ras - Sample output file for Sobel edge detect It should also list the inputs each binary executable takes, whether it takes them from the command line or during execution from the console, and give an example command line. It would also help greatly if you included all of the command-lines you entered while processing the samples when you write up your analyses.