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Next: About this document Up: My Home Page The square of a directed graph G=(V,E) is the graph tex2html_wrap_inline81 such that tex2html_wrap_inline83 iff for some tex2html_wrap_inline85 , both tex2html_wrap_inline87 and tex2html_wrap_inline89 ; ie. there is a path of exactly two edges.  

Give efficient algorithms for both adjacency lists and matricies. Given an adjacency matrix, we can check in constant time whether a given edge exists. To discover whether there is an edge tex2html_wrap_inline91 , for each possible intermediate vertex v we can check whether (u,v) and (v,w) exist in O(1).

Since there are at most n intermediate vertices to check, and tex2html_wrap_inline103 pairs of vertices to ask about, this takes tex2html_wrap_inline105 time.

With adjacency lists, we have a list of all the edges in the graph. For a given edge (u,v), we can run through all the edges from v in O(n) time, and fill the results into an adjacency matrix of tex2html_wrap_inline113 , which is initially empty.

It takes O(mn) to construct the edges, and tex2html_wrap_inline117 to initialize and read the adjacency matrix, a total of O((n+m)n). Since tex2html_wrap_inline121 unless the graph is disconnected, this is usually simplified to O(mn), and is faster than the previous algorithm on sparse graphs.  

Why is it called the square of a graph? Because the square of the adjacency matrix is the adjacency matrix of the square! This provides a theoretically faster algorithm.

Traversal Orders

The order we explore the vertices depends upon what kind of data structure is used:

The three possible colors of each node reflect if it is unvisited (white), visited but unexplored (grey) or completely explored (black). Breadth-First Search  

for each vertex tex2html_wrap_inline125 do
\> color[u] = white
\> tex2html_wrap_inline127 , ie. the distance from s
\> p[u] = NIL, ie. the parent in the BFS tree
color[u] = grey
d[s] = 0
p[s] = NIL
while tex2html_wrap_inline139 do
\> u = head[Q]
\> for each tex2html_wrap_inline143 do
\> \> if color[v] = white then
\> \> \> color[v] = gray
\> \> \> d[v] = d[u] + 1
\> \> \> p[v] = u
\> \> \> enqueue[Q,v]
\> \> dequeue[Q]
\> \> color[u] = black Depth-First Search

DFS has a neat recursive implementation which eliminates the need to explicitly use a stack.  

Discovery and final times are sometimes a convenience to maintain.

for each vertex tex2html_wrap_inline155 do
\> color[u] = white
\> parent[u] = nil
time = 0
for each vertex tex2html_wrap_inline163 do
\> if color[u] = white then DFS-VISIT[u]

Initialize each vertex in the main routine, then do a search from each connected component. BFS must also start from a vertex in each component to completely visit the graph.  

color[u] = grey (*u had been white/undiscovered*)
discover[u] = time
time = time+1
for each tex2html_wrap_inline173 do
\> if color[v] = white then
\> \> parent[v] = u
\> \> DFS-VISIT(v)
color[u] = black (*now finished with u*)
finish[u] = time
time = time+1

BFS Trees

If BFS is performed on a connected, undirected graph, a tree is defined by the edges involved with the discovery of new nodes:  


This tree defines a shortest path from the root to every other node in the tree.

The proof is by induction on the length of the shortest path from the root:

The key idea about DFS

A depth-first search of a graph organizes the edges of the graph in a precise way.  

In a DFS of an undirected graph, we assign a direction to each edge, from the vertex which discover it:


In a DFS of a directed graph, every edge is either a tree edge or a black edge.

In a DFS of a directed graph, no cross edge goes to a higher numbered or rightward vertex. Thus, no edge from 4 to 5 is possible:

f333in Edge Classification for DFS

What about the other edges in the graph? Where can they go on a search?

Every edge is either:


On any particular DFS or BFS of a directed or undirected graph, each edge gets classified as one of the above. DFS Trees

The reason DFS is so important is that it defines a very nice ordering to the edges of the graph.

In a DFS of an undirected graph, every edge is either a tree edge or a back edge.  

Why? Suppose we have a forward edge. We would have encountered (4,1) when expanding 4, so this is a back edge.  


Suppose we have a cross-edge  


Paths in search trees

Where is the shortest path in a DFS?


It could use multiple back and tree edges, where BFS only uses tree edges.

DFS gives a better approximation of the longest path than BFS.


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Steve Skiena
Tue Sep 15 16:47:43 EDT 1998