CSE526: Principles of Programming Languages
Spring 2004
Scott Stoller

May 10

Final Exam: Bring the course textbook and a copy of Flanagan and Qadeer's atomicity types paper to the final exam! you will need them! you may also bring your notes, etc., as detailed on the cse526 home page.

May 5

Homework: Here are some testcases for the project.

Apr 20

Reading: sections 2.0-2.6 of: Neil D. Jones and Flemming Nielson. Abstract Interpretation: A Semantics-Based Tool for Program Analysis, sections 1 and 2. In Handbook of Logic in Computer Science. Oxford University Press, 1994. here is sections 2.0-2.6 (gzip'd PostScript). here is the entire document (but you don't need to print the entire document).

Apr 19

Homework: The hw7 due date has been postponed to April 27.

Apr 7

Final Exam: The official final examination timeslot is 11am-1:30pm on Thursday, 13 May, according to the Final Exam Schedule. As mentioned previously, the final exam will actually be the same length as the midterm, namely, 80 minutes, so the final exam will actually be held 11am-12:20pm.

Mar 25

Homework: Here is an example of atomicity types

Mar 19

Exam Preparation: Here are exams from last year (these exams may contain problems about topics not covered this semester; such problems should be easy to identify): exam1 from Spring 2003, exam2 from Spring 2003. You are also encouraged to study for the exam by doing other exercises in the textbook, and by devising practice exam problems by yourself, swapping them with your classmates, and trying to solve each other's practice problems. If you would like to check your answers to any problems (from last year's exam, the textbook, or devised on your own), come to office hours of the instructor or TA, and we will be happy to help.

Mar 17

Homework: hw7. The due date assumes we will finish discussing chapter 13 by April 15. If we don't, the due date will be postponed.

Mar 16

Homework: For variety, here is a hw5 solution and another hw5 solution.

Reading: chapters 13.{1,2,4,6,10} and 15.{1-3} have been added to the reading list on the cse526 home page.

Mar 15

Project: Project

Mar 12

Homework: hw6

Mar 11

Grading: Weights for hw4 are: problem 1, part 1: 8 points; problem 1, part 2: 12 points; problem 2: 20 points; problem 3: 10 points.

Mar 10

Exams: this is a correction to yesterday's announcement. the midterm will cover chapters 1-10. the final exam will focus on material covered in lecture after chapter 10 but may contain some questions that depend on earlier material.

Mar 9

Reading: I added section 11.3 to the list (on the cse526 home page) of sections of the textbook that we will cover.

Exams: there will be two exams: a midterm and a final. the midterm will cover chapters 1-7. the final will focus on chapters 8+ but may have some questions based on chapters 1-7 as well. the final will be the same length as the midterm (80 minutes). regarding the date of the midterm, I propose april 13, which is 5 weeks from today and is the week after spring break. if you have schedule conflicts with that date, let me know by thursday, and I will consider moving the exam to march 30 (the week before spring break) or april 20. As announced on Mar 10 (above), the cut-off point as been revised: midterm will covers chapters 1-10, and final exam will focus on material after chapter 10.

Mar 8

Homework: hw4 solution

Mar 5

Homework: hw5

Reading: I added section 11.4 to the list (on the cse526 home page) of sections of the textbook that we will cover.

Mar 1

Homework: hw3 solution

Feb 25

Homework: hw4

Feb 23

Homework: hw2-soln-part1 and hw2-soln-part2

Feb 19

Homework: hw3

Reading: Reynolds, chapters 6, 7.{1,4,5}, 8.{1-5}.

Reading: Jason Hickey, Introduction to the Objective CAML Programming Language, Sections 11-12.

Feb 9

Homework: hw2

Reading: Jason Hickey, Introduction to the Objective CAML Programming Language, Sections 7-10.

Reading: Reynolds, chapters 3-4.

Feb 1

O'Caml Distribution: The web site containing the ocaml distribution seems to be temporarily unavailable, so here is ocaml-3.07pl2.tar.gz. [23feb: local copy has been removed] Extract the files and read INSTALL. This is the source code distribution, so you need gcc. I just installed it on linux and on Windows+cygwin, and both worked fine. The ocaml web site also contains some executable distributions (eliminating the need for gcc), but I didn't download them. Here is the ocaml reference manual.

Jan 31

Homework: hw1

Reference: Jason Hickey's Introduction to OCAML should be sufficient to get you through hw1 (coming soon). At some point, you might also want to refer to the ocaml user manual, available via the OCAML Home Page (click on "O'Caml Intro" on the left).

Reading: Jason Hickey, Introduction to the Objective CAML Programming Language, Sections 1-6. This is a nice introduction to ocaml. You might want to save paper by printing it "2-up" (i.e., two pages per physical page), e.g., by printing it to a postscript file (called and then using psnup -n 2 | lpr.

Reading: Reynolds, Chapters 1 and 2.

Jan 27

Mailing List: If you are taking or sitting in on cse526, please send me an email message, and I will add you to the cse526 mailing list.

Greeting: Welcome to Principles of Programming Languages!