From: Betson Thomas To: Betson Thomas Subject: Microsoft Student Partner: Class Event Announcements Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 05:49:16 -0500 Hello Professors, I kindly ask that you make the following announcements in your classes. To help advertise, I have posted flyers to include in your lectures at the following URL in PDF, PPT, and PPTX form: On Wednesday of this week (Nov 21) from 1pm - 2pm in CS 2129, the Microsoft Student Partner will be giving a talk and live demo on Game Development using Microsoft XNA Technology. Students will learn how they can develop games for PC and the XBox 360 console. I will also demo my own XNA based game "Beat Blast" which has been entered into the Independent Games Festival's student competition ( As an incentive, the first 20 attendees will receive an XNA Starter Kit DVD. Additional giveaways will be available for all who attend. Immediately following the XNA talk, I will be giving brief presentation on the Imagine Cup Information Technology Invitational. The Imagine Cup is a global competition hosted by Microsoft with a number of categories. If students have thought about becoming Microsoft Certified, they will definitely want to participate in the IT competition as it will be modeled after the certification exams. Both events are open to all students, faculty and staff. Once again, the link above has materials that you may use to help make the announcement in your classes. Thank you for your time! -Betson Thomas Microsoft Student Partner President, UPE