Document Value Model: Value-oriented Programming for the Internet Fritz Henglein, DIKU (Computer Science Dept, Univ of Copenhagen) XML is all the rage. How do we store and process XML documents, however? In this talk we present XML Value Store, a persistent distributed (peer-to-peer) storage manager with a value-oriented interface, the Document Value Model (DVM), for XML documents whose parts may be distributed around the net and even moving around. We compare DVM with existing XML processing languages and specifically the W3-consortiumbased Document Object Model (DOM). We argue that, apart from a series of technical advantages, the central benefit of DVM is a simplified programming model that lets the programmer focus on application logic, and the XML middleware on persistence management, caching, replication, coalescing, encryption, distribution, lookup, routing and internet data transport. This is ongoing joint work with Henning Niss (IT Univ. of Copenhagen, IT-C) and students at DIKU and IT-C. See