Soundness proof for restricted EPRFJ ------------------------------------ Amit Sasturkar and Scott D. Stoller 24 January, 2005. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This document presents the semantics and typing rules for a core subset of Extended Parameterized Race Free Java (EPRFJ) and describes a soundness proof for the type system. The soundness proof is based closely on the soundness proof in [1]. The type system presented here differs from the Extended Parameterized Atomic Java (EPAJ) type system [4] in the following respects. (1) It does not include the atomicity type system, and the related constructs (write_guarded_by clause, etc). We do not prove soundness of the atomicity type system because in EPAJ we use the atomicity type system of [2] without modifications. Since soundness of atomicity types depends only on soundness of the race-free type system, we prove soundness for a race-free subset of EPAJ. (2) It does not support "readonly" and "unique" objects, and the constructs (!e modifer and "where" clauses) necessary for supporting them. Also, it does not support "thisThread" and thread-local objects. Proving soundness of "thisThread", "unique" and "readonly" annotations is orthogonal to proving soundness for the "self" and "f$e" annotations that are the principal changes in EPAJ compared to [3]. (3) 'let' construct added. (4) New judgements added : P; E |- ls , P;E |- l \in ls, P;E |- ls \in ls' These are not really necessary, but are included for uniformity with [1]. (5) No "simplify" function since we do not have thisThread, unique and readonly. (8) Following [1], final expressions can only be variables or addresses and not dereferences of final fields. This is essential for a proof based on the proof in [1] to work. The grammar for restricted EPRFJ -------------------------------- Non-terminals are in capitals. Terminal symbols reflect the syntax. P ::= DEFN* E DEFN ::= class CN extends C BODY C ::= CN | Object BODY ::= {FIELD* METH* } FIELD ::= final? T FD = v [GUARDEDBY LOCK]? METH ::= T MN(ARG*) requires (LOCK*) { E } ARG ::= T X T ::= PRIM_TYPE | OBJ_TYPE OBJ_TYPE ::= CN | Object PRIM_TYPE ::= int | bool | long OWNER ::= FORMAL | self | E_final | OWNER$E_final GUARDEDBY ::= guarded_by LOCK ::= E_final | FORMAL$E_final E :: = v | new OBJ_TYPE | E.fd | E.fd =E | let X = E in E | E.MN(E*) | synchronized E E | E.fork | in-sync p E CN \in class names FD \in field names MN \in method names X \in variable names FORMAL \in formal owner names v \in values (int, long, bool, address) p \in address Asterix(*), plus (+), and question mark (?) indicate any number, 1 or more, and 0 or 1 occurences, respectively. Square brackets are used for grouping. E_final ranges over final expressions as defined in the paper. in-sync construct cannot appear in the source program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We use the following typing judgements. |- P : t (Program P is well typed and its main expression has type t) P |- defn (defn is a well-formed class definition) P |- E (E is a well formed typing environment) P;E |- meth (meth is a well formed method) P;E |- field (field is a well formed field) P;E |- t (t is a well formed type) The next three judgements are added for uniformity with [1] P;E |- ls (ls is a well formed lockset) P;E |- l \in ls (lock l is contained in lockset ls) P;E |- ls \subseteq ls' (lockset ls is a subset of ls') P;E |- t1 <: t2 ( t1 is a a subtype of t2) P |- meth \in cn (class cn either declares or inherits meth) P;E;ls |-_final e : t (e is a final expression with type t) P;E |-_owner o (o is a well formed owner) P;E |-_owner_formal f (f is a formal owner parameter declared in E) P;E |-_lock e (e is a well-formed lock) P;E |- e : t (expression e has type t provided all necessary locks are held) P;E;ls |- e : t (expression e has type t provided all necessary locks are in ls) The following judgements are needed because we support method owner parameters. P; E |- \theta (\theta is a well-formed substitution) P; E; <\theta,c> |-_inst field (field in class c is instantiated with the substituion \theta) P; E; <\theta,c> |-inst meth (meth in class c is instantiated with the substituion \theta) In the second judgement above, the c on the left determines bindings for all of the formal owner parameters in the declaration of field; theta is included only for syntactic uniformity with the third judgment, and in this judgement is always instantiated with the empty substitution. In the third judgment above, theta binds all of the formal owner parameters in the declaration of meth (which are all interpreted as method owner parameters, even if they have the same names as some formal owner parameters in the declaration of class c), and c is used only to look up the declaration of the method in that class; bindings of the class owner parameters in c are ignored in this judgment. We also use the following predicates. ClassOnce(P) :- No class is declared twice in P WFClasses(P) :- No cycles in class hierarchy FieldsOnce(P) :- No class in P contains two fields of same name, either declared or inherited. MethodsOncePerClass(P) :- No method name appears more than once per class. OverRidesOk(P) :- Each overriding method has the same return type and parameter types (including the owner parameters) as the methods being overridden, except for the {\tt this} argument where the class names differ but the owner parameters are same. The requires clause of each overriding method is the same or a subset of the requires clause of the methods being overridden. One of the main changes in this type system compared to Boyapati's PRFJ is the way we write requires clause and guarded_by clause. Both requires and guarded_by clauses contain locks. A lock is either a final expression or of the form f$e where e is a final expression that has type cn and f is a formal owner parameter which is one of { o_1,o_2,...,o_n } The notation f$e is used to correctly handle the annotation 'self' in the presence of formal owner parameters in methods. It is also used to get the effect of 'RootOwner' without explicitly defining RootOwner of objects. The reason why we need this notation is that when a formal owner parameter is instantiated with 'self', we need to know what is the actual object that should replace the formal owner parameter. For example consider class A { int i; m(A a) requires g{ a.i = 10; } } Now suppose we have A a and we call m(a), in the requires clause of m(), g should be replaced by a. Thus we need to keep track that when g gets instantiated with 'self', it should really be replaced by a. The way to do this is by writing the requires clause as g$a. We can then define how such requires clauses are instantiated. Let sigma be a substitution. sigma is of the form [o_1/f_1,...,o_n/f_n] Let E be the environment. Then, g$a[sigma] is defined as follows. g$a[sigma] = a[sigma] if g[sigma] = self g[sigma]$a[sigma] if P;E |-owner_formal g[sigma] g[sigma] otherwise Note that applying the empty substitution simplifies the lock expression. g$a[] = g if g is a special owner parameter. g$a otherwise. [PROG] ClassOnce(P) WFClasses(P) MethodsOncePerClass(P) FieldsOnce(P) OverRidesOk(P) P = defn_1...n e P |- defn_i P; \emptyset ; \emptyset |- e : t ---------------------------------------------------- |- P : t [CLASS] g_i = owner_formal f_i E = g_1,g_2,...,g_n P;E |- c P;E,final cn this |- field_i for i=1..j P;\emptyset |- meth_i for i=1..k ---------------------------------------------------------------- P |- class cn extends c {field_1, field_2,...,field_j meth_1,meth_2,...,meth_k} owner_formal f_i says that the type of f_i is owner_formal, i.e. f_i is a formal owner parameter. Note that the grammar ensures that each f_i is a formal owner parameter, thus we do not need to check isFormal(f_i) Since explicit declaration of 'this' is required in method declarations, and method owner parameters are allowed, the empty environment can be used to type-check methods. The [METHOD] rule adds 'this' and the method owner parameters to the environment before typechecking the method body. Well-formed Owners ------------------- [OWNER_FORMAL] P |- E E = E_1, owner_formal f, E_2 ----------------------------- P;E |-_owner_formal f [LOCK FINAL] P;E |-_final e : t ---------------------- P;E |-_lock e [LOCK FORMAL] P;E |-owner_formal f P;E |-_final e : cn f \in {o_1,o_2,...,o_n} ----------------------------------------- P;E |-_lock f$e [OWNER SELF] P |- E ----------------- P;E |-_owner self [OWNER FORMAL] P;E |-_owner_formal f ----------------------------- P;E |-_owner f [OWNER LOCK] P;E |-_lock e ---------------------- P;E |-_owner e [LOCK SET EMPTY] ------------------ P; E |- \emptyset [LOCK SET] P;E |- ls P;E |-_lock l ------------------- P; E |- ls U { l } [LOCK SET ELEM] P;E |- ls P;E |-_lock l l \in ls --------------- P;E |- l \in ls [LOCK SET SUBSET] P;E |- ls P;E |- ls' ls \subseteq ls' --------------------- P;E |- ls \subseteq ls' Well-formed Environment ------------------------ [ENV \emptyset] -------------- P |- \emptyset Empty environment is well-formed. [ENV OWNER_FORMAL] P |- E f \notin Dom(E) --------------------------- P |- E, owner_formal f [ENV VAR] P;E |- t x \notin Dom(E) --------------------------- P |- E, t x [ENV ADDRESS] P; E |- c p \notin Dom(E) ------------------------- P |- E, c p Well-formed Types ------------------ [TYPE INT] P |- E ---------- P;E |- int [TYPE LONG] P |- E ---------- P;E |- long [TYPE BOOL] P |- E ---------- P;E |- bool [TYPE OBJECT] P;E |-_owner o ----------------- P;E |- Object [TYPE C] P;E |-_owner o_i class cn { ... } \in P -------------------------------------- P;E |- cn [SUBTYPE REFL] P;E |- t -------------- P;E |- t <: t [SUBTYPE CLASS] P;E |- c <: cn cn extends cn' { .. } \in P ------------------------------------------------------------------------- P;E |- c <: cn'[o_1/f_1]...[o_n/f_n] Well-formed substitution ------------------------ [SUBSTITUTION] forall x \in dom(\theta) P;E |-_owner \theta(x) ----------------------- P;E |- \theta This rule checks that \theta is a well formed substitution. Every element in the domain of \theta should be mapped to an owner. [FIELD INSTANTIATE] P;E |- c <: cn class cn extends c' { .... field .... } \in P \theta'=[o_1/f_1,...o_n/f_n] ------------------------------------------- P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst field[\theta'] Note that the substituion necessary for instantiating the formal parameters in the field's type is constructed from the type of the enclosing class "cn". The substitution \theta is ignored. [FIELD INIT] P; E; \emptyset |- v : t if t = cn o_i is not a special owner for i=1..n P;E |-_lock l ----------------------------------------------- P;E |- t fd = v guarded_by l The type of a field cannot contain special owners (self); it can only contain a lock (final expression or f$e) or a formal owner parameter. A guarded_by clause can only contain lock expressions. [FINAL FIELD INIT] P; E; \emptyset |- v : t if t = cn o_i is not a special owner for i=1..n -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P;E |- final t fd = v [METHOD DECL/INHER] P;E |- c <: cn class cn extends c' { .... meth .... } \in P --------------------------------------------- P; E |- meth \in c This rule checks if a method is declared or inherited in a class. It does not initialize the method owner parameters. [METHOD INSTANTIATE] P;E |- \theta P;E |- meth \in c MethodOwnerParams(meth) \subseteq dom(\sigma) --------------------------------------------- P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst meth[\theta] Note that the type of the class (c) is only used to check that the method is available in that class. The substitution that instantiates the method parameters is constructed externally, and passed to the rule as an argument (P;E;<\theta,c>) [METHOD] E' = E U {owner_formal f | f appears in some arg_i and not in E} E'' = E', arg_0, arg_1, ... arg_n P; E' |- t P; E'' |- ls (ls is a well formed lockset) P; E''; ls |- e : t --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P; E |- t mn(arg_0,arg_1,...,arg_n) requires ls { e } Add the method owner parameters to the environment. Both E' and E'' must be well-formed; this ensures that the types of the arguments are well formed. Also, the return type and argument types in the method should not contain 'this'. [EXP TYPE] There exists ls P; E; ls |- e : t ------------------------------- P; E |- e : t [EXP SUB] P; E ; ls |- e : t1 P; E |- t1 <: t ---------------------------------- P; E; ls |- e : t [EXP NEW] P;E |- c P;E |- ls ------------------------- P;E;ls |- new c : c [EXP VAR] P; E |- ls E = E1, t x , E2 ----------------------------- P; E; ls |- x : t [EXP ADDRESS] P; E |- ls E = E1, c p , E2 ----------------------------- P; E; ls |- p : c [FINAL VAR] P; E |- ls E = E1, t x , E2 ----------------------------- P; E; ls |-_final x : t [FINAL ADDRESS] P |- E E = E1, c p , E2 ----------------------------- P; E |-_final p : c [EXP SYNC] P; E; ls |-_final e1 : c P; E; ls U {e1} |- e2 : t --------------------------------------------------- P; E; ls |- synchronized e1 e2 : t e1 has to be final because otherwise, the following will typecheck. synchronized(o) { o = new A(); o.f = 10; <-- lock on o is not really held here } [EXP IN-SYNC] P; E |-_final p : c P; E; ls U {p} |- e : t --------------------------------------------------- P; E; ls |- in-sync p e : t [EXP REF FINAL] P; E; ls |- e : c P; E; <\epsilon,c> |-_inst (final t fd = v) ---------------------------------------------- P;E;ls |- e.fd : t[e/this] [EXP REF GUARD] P; E; ls |- e : c P; E; <\epsilon,c> |-_inst (t fd = v guarded_by l) P;E |- l[e/this] \in ls --------------------------------------------------------- P; E; ls |- e.fd : t[e/this] [EXP ASSIGN GUARD] P; E; ls |- e : c P; E; <\epsilon,c> |-_inst (t fd = v guarded_by l) P;E |- l[e/this] \in ls P; E; ls |- e1 : t[e/this] ---------------------------------------- P; E; ls |- e.fd = e1 : t[e/this] [EXP INVOKE] There exists a substitution \theta such that P; E; ls |- e_0 : c P; E; <\theta,c> |-_inst (t mn(t_0 this,t_1 y_1,..,t_k y_k) requires ls') for j = 0..k P;E;ls |- e_j: t_j P;E |- ls'[e_0/this][e_1/y_1][e_2/y_2]...[e_k/y_k] \in ls ------------------------------------------------------------ P; E; ls |-,e_2,...,e_k) : t In the 2nd hypothesis, \theta is chosen such that the 3rd hypothesis (P;E;ls |- e_j : t_j) is true. \theta instantiates the method owner parameters. The return type (t) and argument types (t_i i=0..n) do not contain 'this' [EXP FORK] P; E; ls |- e : cn E'= cn this P;E';\emptyset |- : int --------------------------------------------- P; E; ls |- e.fork : int [EXP LET] P;E;ls |- e_1 : t E' = E, t x P;E';ls |- e_2 : t_2 P;E |- t_2[e_1/x] --------------------------------------------- P;E;ls |- (let t x = e_1 in e_2) : t_2[e_1/x] [STATE] P |- \sigma : E |T| > 0 P;E;\emptyset |- T_i : t_i forall i=1..|T| ------------------------------------------- P |- <\sigma,T> : E This rule says that every expression in the thread sequence is well typed and that the store \sigma and the environment E are compatible. [STORE] |- P dom(\sigma) = {p_1,...,p_n} \sigma(p_i) = {|..|}^{(i,j)}_{c_i} for i=1..n E = c_1 p_1,...,c_n p_n P;E;p_i |- \sigma(p_i) : c_i for i=1..n --------------------------------------------- P |- \sigma : E This rule checks the compatibility of the store and the environment and verifies that the store is well formed. [VAL OBJECT] --------------------------------------- P;E;p |- {||}^{(i,j)}_{Object} : Object [VAL SUBCLASS] for i=1..m P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst ([final]? t_i fn_i = v'_i [guarded_by l_i]?) P;E;\emptyset |- v_i : t_i[p/this] ------------------------------------------------------------------ P;E;p |- \sigma(p) = {|fn_1 = v_1,...,fn_m = v_m|}^{(i,j)}_c : c This rule ensures that the field mapping for each address in the store is well formed, i.e. types of values and fields match. Note that this rule differs from [VAL SUBCLASS] rule in [1]. We have simplified this rule by using the |-_inst judgement. [INIT OBJECT] for i=1..m P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst ([final]? t_i fn_i = v_i [guarded_by l_i]?) -------------------------------------------------------------------- P;E;c |-_initial { fn_1 = v_1,..,fn_m v_m } This rule is used to initialize the fields when a new object is created. This rule also differs from the corresponding rule in [1]. END OF TYPING RULES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Semantics ---------- State space ----------- S \in Store * ThreadSeq \sigma \in Store : Address -> d d = {|db|}^{m}_c m \in { 0,1,....} \times { 0,1,....} c : type of object db : fn -> value (maps each field of c to a value) Evaluation starts in state <\emptyset, e> where P = defn* e P |- <\emptyset, e> --->* <\sigma, v_1...n> v_i is the final value computed by thread i We adopt the same semantics as in [1] except for the following transitions. 1. [RED NEW] : We modify this rule to account for the change in [INIT OBJECT] rule. P |- <\sigma,T.E[new c].T'> --> <\sigma',T.E[p].T'> where p \notin dom(\sigma), dom(\sigma) = { p_1,..,p_n } \sigma(p_i) = {|db_i|}^{..}_{c_i}, E = c_1 p_1,..,c_n p_n P;E;c |-_initial db \sigma'=\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{(0,0)}_{c}] 2. [RED INVOKE] : We modify the [RED INVOKE] rule to also instantiate method owner parameters. P |- <\sigma,T.E[].T'> --> <\sigma,T.E[e[v_1/x_1,...,v_n/x_n,p/this]].T'> where dom(\sigma) = { p_1,..,p_n } \sigma(p_i) = {|db_i|}^{..}_{c_i} E = c_1 p_1,..,c_n p_n \sigma(p) = {|db|}^{(i,j)}_{c} and there exists a substitution \theta such that P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst t mn(t_0 this,t_1 x_1,...,t_n x_n) requires ls {e} P;E;\emptyset |- p : t_0 for i=1..n P;E;\emptyset |- v_i : t_i \theta gives the substitution that instantiates the method owner parameters. 3. [RED SYNC] and [RED IN-SYNC] : We modify these rules to support nested lock acquires. The semantics in [1] do not support nested lock acquires. The following program fragment never completes execution. synchronized e1 synchronized e1 e2 This is due to the synchronized stmt progressing only when lock on e1 is not held. As a result, the second sync stmt gets stuck. We change the semantics of synchronized and in-sync constructs to also keep track of the thread that acquires the lock, and the nesting level of the synchronized statement. We use (0,0) to indicate that the lock not held, and (i,n) to indicate that thread i holds the lock and is at nesting level n. Threads get numbered from 1 onwards; the main thread is the 1st thread. E_k is the context for the kth thread. if synchronized p e is the redux when lock p held, the nesting level is increased by 1. [RED SYNC] P |- <\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{i,j}_{c}], T.E_k[synchronized p e].T'> ----------> <\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{k,j+1}_c], T.E_k[in-sync p e].T'> when i=0 or k if in-sync p v is at the outermost nesting level, the lock on p is released. [RED IN-SYNC] P |- <\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{k,1}_c],T.E_k[in-sync p v].T'> -----------> <\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{0,0}_c],T.E_k[v].T'> If in-sync p v is not the outermost nesting level, the nesting level decreases by 1 but the lock on p is not released. [RED IN-SYNC] P |- <\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{k,j}_c],T.E_k[in-sync p v].T'> -----------> <\sigma[p-->{|db|}^{k,j-1}_c],T.E_k[v].T'> when j>1 END OF SEMANTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Soundness Proof for restricted EPRFJ ------------------------------------ [1] describes a race free type system and also gives a soundness proof. Our type system differs from the type system given in [1] as follows. We allow 1. "self" as an owner. 2. f$e as an owner. 3. Parameterized Methods. Parameterized methods increase the expressiveness of the language. Consider the following program fragment that uses parameterized methods. class A { void print(B b) { .... } } print(..) is a parameterized method that can be used to print an instance of class B with any owner. In the absence of parameterized methods, the class declaration would have to contain the formal owner "g". This is not only tedious but also restricts the print(..) method to printing objects with the same owner. Our type system does not allow special owner parameters to appear in the type of fields. (Check rules [FIELD INIT] and [FIELD FINAL INIT]). EPAJ [4] enforces this restriction to support thread-local objects. Parameterized methods are necessary to ensure that this restriction does not reduce the expressiveness of the language. The following is a typical program that uses special owners in the types of fields. We will show that using method owner parameters this program can be re-written to eliminate the need for special owners in field types. class A { B b guarded_by f$this; int access() requires f$this { let B b1 = this.b in synchronized(b1) b1.f = 10 } } let A a = new A() in synchronized(a) a.access() let A a1 = new A() in synchronized(a) a1.access() We handle fields with special owners by requiring methods to declare a type for 'this' in their argument list. This explicit declaration of "this" takes precedence over the type in the class declaration, so only method owner parameters (i.e., owner parameters that appear in the types of the method's parameters) may be used in the method body. We allow the type for 'this' to contain special owners and fresh formal owners. Instead of making an exception only for the 'this' parameter, we choose to uniformly support fresh formal owners in the types of all parameters. The above example can be re-written as follows using method owner parameters and removing the special owner from the field type. class A { B b guarded_by f$this; int access(A this) requires h$this { let B b1 = this.b in synchronized(b1) b1.f = 10 } } let A a = new A() in synchronized(a) a.access() let A a1 = new A in synchronized(a) a1.access() Note that, without the method owner parameter "h", a and a1 could not have invoked the same method "access". Thus, method owner parameters are necessary to support special owners in types of fields. ----------------------- Proof Outline ------------- We follow the proof structure in [1] closely, reusing many of the lemmas and theorems. Lemma 1 : If there exists a deduction concluding P;E;ls |- e : t then that deduction contains a subdeduction concluding P;E;ls : e : t' that does not end with an application of rule [EXP SUB] for some type t' where P;E |- t' <: t -------------- Lemma 2 (Context subexpression) : Suppose there is a deduction concluding P;E;ls |- E[e] : t. Then, the deduction contains at the position corresponding to the hole in E, a subdeduction P;E;ls' |- e : t' for some t' and ls' such that ls \subseteq ls' and E(e) is in the critical section of every lock in ls' \ ls. ------------- Lemma 3 : Suppose there is a deduction concluding P;E;ls |- E[e] : t. Then, the deduction contains at the position corresponding to the hole in E, a subdeduction P;E;ls' |- e : t'for some t'and ls' such that ls \subseteq ls' and E(e) is in the critical section of every lock in ls' \ ls. In addition, the subdeduction does not end with an application of the [EXP SUB] rule. ----------- Lemma 4 is the main lemma that guarantees that the transition rules preserve the well typedness of expressions. Here e2 can be thought of as the expression obtained when e1 is evaluated according to the defined semantics. Lemma 4 guarantees that if e1 and e2 have the same type, then the complete expression retains its well-typedness property after a transition. Lemma 4 (Context replacement) : Suppose a deduction concluding P;E;ls |- E[e1] : t contains a subdeduction concluding P;E;ls' |- e1 : t1 at a position corresponding to the hole in E. If e1 is not a value and P;E;ls' |- e2 : t1 then P;E;ls |- E[e2] : t ---------- Lemma 5 handles the transition rule for "let" and "method invoke" constructs. The transition rule for "let" is as follows. P |- <\sigma,E[let t x = v in e]> --> <\sigma,E[e[v/x]]> Lemma 5 guarantees that if P;E |- let t x = v in e : t' then P;E |- e[v/x] : t'. Now, Lemma 4 can be applied to deduce that the "let" transition rule also preserves well typedness of expressions. \theta[v/x] in part 6 represents composition of two substitutions and is defined in the standard manner. If f and g are substitutions and Exp is an expression, then Exp[f.g] = (Exp[f])[g] Lemma 5 (Substitution) : If P;E;ls' |- v : s then 1. if P;E,s x,E' |- Z then P;E,E'[v/x] |- Z[v/x] 2. if P;E,s x,E';ls |- Z then P;E,E'[v/x];ls[v/x] |- Z[v/x] 3. if P;E,s x,E' |-_final Z then P;E,E'[v/x] |-_final Z[v/x] 4. if P;E,s x,E' |-_lock Z then P;E,E'[v/x] |-_lock Z[v/x] 5. if P;E,s x,E' |-_owner Z then P;E,E'[v/x] |-_owner Z[v/x] 6. if P;E,s x,E';<\theta,c> |-_inst Z then P;E,E'[v/x];<\theta[v/x],c[v/x]> |-_inst Z[v/x] ------------- Lemma 6 is similar to Lemma 5 but deals with formal owner substitutions. The transition rule for "method invoke" involves variable substitution as well as formal owner substitution. As a result, both Lemma 5 and Lemma 6 are required to argue about preservation of well-typedness by [RED INVOKE] rule. Lemma 6 (Formal owner substitution) : If P;E |-_owner o 1. if P;E,owner_formal f,E' |- Z then P;E,E'[o/f] |- Z[o/f] 2. if P;E,owner_formal f,E';ls |- Z then P;E,E'[o/f];ls[o/f] |- Z[o/f] 3. if P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_final Z then P;E,E'[o/f] |-_final Z[o/f] 4. if P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_lock Z then P;E,E'[o/f] |-_lock Z[o/f] 5. if P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_owner Z then P;E,E'[o/f] |-_owner Z[o/f] 6. if P;E,owner_formal f,E';<\theta,c> |-_inst Z then P;E,E'[o/f];<\theta[o/f],c[o/f]> |-_inst Z[o/f] Lemma 6 given above differs from Lemma 6 in [1]. It is the main lemma that must be proved to show that "self" and "f$e" constructs are used in the semantically correct manner. Lemma 6 can be proved by a simultaneous induction on the 6 statements. I will prove the lemma for statement 4 and statement 6. Let RTP stand for Required to Prove (!!) Proof for statement 4 : ----------------------- RTP : if P;E |-_owner o and P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_lock z then P;E,E'[o/f] |-_lock z[o/f] Let I(n) : The statements 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are true for all judgements for which there exists a derivation tree of height <=n (where n is an integer). Assume I(n) is true for some n>1. Let D = P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_lock z and suppose the shortest derivation tree of D has height n+1. Then, the last rule to be applied in this shortest derivation sequence is (a) [LOCK_FINAL] Then z is a final expression. Thus, P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_final z : t (for some t) has a derivation tree of height n. By induction, P;E,E'[o/f] |-_final z[o/f] : t[o/f]. Thus, P;E,E'[o/f] |-_lock z[o/f] (c) By applying [LOCK_FORMAL] rule. Then, z is of the form f$e. Thus, we have P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_owner_formal f P;E,owner_formal f,E' |-_final e : cn f \in { f_1..n } Three cases must be considered based on what o is. (c1) o=self By induction, P;E,E'[self/f] |-_final e[self/f] : cn[self/f] Since f$e[self/f] = e[self/f], from the above judgement, and applying [LOCK FINAL], we have P;E,E'[self/f] |-_lock e[self/f]. Thus, we have P;E,E'[o/f] |-_lock e[o/f]. (since o=self) (c2) o is a formal owner. P;E |-_owner_formal o By induction, P;E,E'[o/f] |- owner_formal o P;E,E'[o/f] |-_final e[o/f] : cn[o/f] f \in { f_1..n } => o \in { f_1..n } [o/f] Thus, [LOCK FORMAL] can be applied to get P;E.E'[o/f] |-_lock o$e[o/f] But since z[o/f] = (f$e)[o/f] = o$e[o/f] (follows from the substitution rule defined for f$e), we have proved P;E.E'[o/f] |-_lock z[o/f] (c3) o is a lock. P;E |-_lock o Thus, z[o/f] = o (follows from substitution rule defined for f$e) Thus, P,E |-_lock z[o/f]. We can extend the environment to get P;E,E'[o/f] |-_lock z[o/f] Proof of statement 6: ---------------------- Given : P;E |-_owner o and P;E,owner_formal f,E';<\theta,c> |-_inst Z RTP: P;E,E'[o/f],<\theta[o/f],c[o/f]> |-_inst Z[o/f] Let I(n) be as described above. Assume I(n) is true for some n>1 Let D = P;E,owner_formal f,E',<\theta,c> |-_inst Z Suppose the shortest derivation tree for D has height n+1. Case 1: Z = field From D and [FIELD INSTANTIATE] rule, we must have P;E,owner_formal f, E' |- \theta (1) P;E,owner_formal f,E' |- c <: cn (2) class cn .... { ... field' ... } \in P (3) \theta' = [o_1/f_1,..,o_n/f_n] (4) field'[\theta'] = field (5) Using induction and applying Lemma 6 to (1) and (2), we have P;E,E'[o/f] |- \theta[o/f] (6) P;E,E'[o/f] |- c[o/f] <: cn[o/f] (7) \theta'' = [o_1/f_1,..,o_n/f_n][o/f] (8) Then, field'[\theta''] = field[o/f] (9) From (6), (7), (3), (8) and (9) and applying the [FIELD INSTANTIATE] rule, we can deduce P;E,E'[o/f];<\theta[o/f],c[o/f]> |-_inst field[o/f] (proved) Case 2: Suppose Z = meth From D and [METHOD INSTANTIATE] rule, we must have P;E,owner_formal f,E' |- \theta (1) P;E,owner_formal f,E' |- meth' \in c (2) MethodOwnerParams(meth') \subseteq dom(\theta) (3) meth'[\theta] = meth (4) From (2) and [METHOD DECL/INHER] we have P;E,owner_formal f,E' |- c <: cn (5) class cn extends c' { .... meth' .... } \in P (6) Using induction and replacing [o/f] in (1) and (5) we get P;E,E'[o/f] |- \theta[o/f] (7) P;E,E'[o/f] |- c[o/f] <: cn[o/f] (8) From (6), (8) and applying [METHOD DECL/INHER] we have P;E,E'[o/f] |- meth' \in c[o/f] (9) Also dom(\theta[o/f]) = dom(\theta) if f \in dom(\theta) = dom(\theta) U { f } if f \notin dom(\theta) Therefore dom(\theta) \subseteq dom(\theta[o/f]) and from (3) we have MethodOwnerParams(meth') \subseteq dom(\theta[o/f]) (10) From (4) we have meth'[\theta][o/f] = meth[o/f] (11) From (7), (9), (10) and (11) and applying [METHOD INSTANTIATE] rule, we get P;E,E'[o/f];<\theta[o/f],c[o/f] |-_inst meth[o/f] (proved) Lemma 7 (Environment strengthening) : If E = E', owner_formal f, E'' and P |- E then 1. If P;E',E'' |- Z then P;E |- Z 2. If P;E',E'';ls |- Z then P;E;ls |- Z 3. If P;E',E'' |-_final Z then P;E |-_final Z Lemma 8 (Class Instantiation) : If |- P and P;E;ls |- p : c then P;E |- c This lemma ensures that all class instantiations are correct. Lemma 9 (Field and Method instantiation): If |- P and P;E;ls|-p : c 1. if P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst field then P;E |- field[p/this] 2. if P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst meth then P;E |- meth This lemma guarantees that fields and methods are instantiated correctly. This lemma is different from Lemma 9 in [1]. This difference is due to our support for method owner parameters. note that in part 2, we prove P;E |- meth instead of P;E |- meth[p/this] as in [1]. This is because we consider 'this' to be a parameter of the method and deal with it similarly to the other parameters. Proof of 1. if P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst field then from [FIELD INSTANTIATE] rule we have P;E |- c <: cn class cn extends c' { .... field' .... } \in P \theta=[o_1/f_1,...o_n/f_n] field=field'[\theta] Since we have assumed |- P, from the [CLASS] rule we get P;owner_formal f_1,..,owner_formal f_n,cn this |- field' -- (3) Applying Lemma 6 and Lemma 7 and replacing formal owners f_i with o_i, we have P;E,cn this |- field'[o_1/f_1,..,o_n/f_n] Applying Lemma 5 and replacing 'this' with p, we have P;E |- field'[o_1/f_1,..,o_n/f_n,p/this] Thus, we have P;E |- field[p/this] (proved) Proof of 2 ---------- Suppose P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst meth. From [METHOD INSTANTIATE] we have dom(\theta)=MethodOwnerParams(meth') (1) P;E |- meth' \in c (2) P;E |- \theta (3) meth=meth'[\theta] (4) To derive (2) we must apply [METHOD DECL/INHER] rule, whose hypotheses are P;E |- c <: cn class cn extends c' { .... meth' .... } \in P Let meth' = t mn(arg_0..n) requires e_1..m { e } Since |- P, [CLASS] rule requires P;\emptyset |- meth' which must be derived from [METHOD] rule. Thus, we must have E' = {owner_formal f | f appears in some arg_i} E'' = E', arg_0, arg_1, ... arg_n P; E' |- t (5) P; E'' |- { e_1...m } (6) P; E''; e_1,e_2,...,e_m |- e : t (7) Note that MethodOwnerParams(meth') = { f | f appears in some arg_i } Therefore, from (1) we have dom(\theta) = {f | f appears in some arg_i } Also, since P;E |- \theta (3 above), for all x \in dom(\theta) P;E |-_owner \theta(x) . Thus, applying Lemma 6 to 5,6 and 7 above we have, P;E |- t[\theta] P;E,arg_0[\theta],..,arg_n[\theta] |- { e_1...m }[\theta] P; E,arg_0[\theta],..,arg_n[\theta];e_1[\theta],..,e_m[\theta] |- e[\theta] : t[\theta] From the above three, applying the [METHOD] rule, we can deduce P;E |- t[\theta] mn(arg_0[\theta],..,arg_n[\theta]) requires { e_1..m }[\theta] { e[\theta] } Thus, P;E |- meth'[\theta] i.e. P;E |- meth (Part 2 proved) ---------------------------------- Lemma 10 (Inferred to exact types) : If P |- \sigma : E and P;E;ls |- p : c, then P;E;\emptyset |- p : c and there exists c' such that P;E |- c'<:c and E(p) = c' and \sigma(p) = {|db|}^{i,j}_{c'}. Lemma 10 has P |- \sigma : E as hypothesis whereas Lemma 10 in [1] has P |- <\sigma,T> : E as hypothesis. The proof follows the one given in [1]. ----------------- Lemma 11 (Object fields well-typed) : Suppose P |- \sigma : E and \sigma(p) = {|....fn = v....|}^{i,j}_{c}. If P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst ([final]? t fn = v' [guarded_by l]?) then P;E;\emptyset |- v : t[p/this] This lemma guarantees that a value assigned to a field has the same type as the field. This lemma is necessary to show that transitions involving field accesses preserve well-typedness, i.e. if p.fn = v then P |- E[p.fn] ---> E[v] and since the types of p.fn and v are the same by lemma 11, lemma 4 ensures that E[v] is also a well typed expression. Proof : Since P |- \sigma : E, we must have dom(\sigma) = {p_1..n } E = c_1 p_1,..,c_n p_n \sigma(p_i) = {|db|}^{r,s)_{c_i} for i=1..n P;E;p_i |- \sigma(p_i) : c_i for i=1..n Thus, it follows that P;E;p |- \sigma(p) : c (p = p_k for some k \in 1..n) From the [VAL SUBCLASS] rule we have P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst ([final]? t' fn = v' [guarded_by l']?) (1) P;E;\emptyset |- v : t'[p/this] (2) Since we also have P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst (([final]? t fn = v' [guarded_by l]?) using (1) we have t=t'. Thus, from (2) we have P;E;\emptyset |- v : t[p/this] (proved) -------------------- Lemma 12 (Lockset strengthening) : If P;E;ls |- v : t and P;E |- ls \subseteq ls', then P;E;ls' |- v : t Proof: From [1] By lemma 1, there exists a subdeduction not ending in [EXP SUB] such that P;E;ls |- v : s and P;E |- s <: t The only rules which can be used to derive P;E;ls |- v : s are [EXP VAR] and [EXP ADDRESS]. Both these rules have the hypotheses P;E |- ls E = E_1, s v, E_2 Since P;E |- ls \subseteq ls' we have P;E |- ls' Thus, applying [EXP VAR] or [EXP ADDRESS] with lockset ls', we get P;E;ls' |- v : s Now, from [EXP SUB], we can derive P;E;ls' |- v : t (proved) ------------------------------ Lemma 13 (Type subject reduction) : If P |- S : E and S --> S', then P |- S' : E' for some E'. The first reduction lemma is same as Lemma 13 in [1]. This is the central lemma in the soundness proof. It says that the transition semantics and the type system guarantee that transitions from a well formed state always lead to well formed states. Proof Let S = <\sigma,e_1,..,e_k,...e_n> and let the kth thread be reduced. Let S'=<\sigma',e_1,..,e'_k,..,e_n>. We deal with the [RED FORK] transition separately. Given P |- S : E and P;E |- E[e_k] : t. RTP : P |- S' : E' and P;E' |- E[e'_k] : t 1. [RED NEW] <\sigma, E[new c]> --> <\sigma',E[p]> where p \notin dom(\sigma) \sigma' = \sigma[p -> {|db|}^{(0,0)}_{c} E' = E, c p and P;E';c |-_initial db RTP : (1) P |- \sigma' : E' (2) P;E';\emptyset |- E[p] : t Proof of (1) Let dom(\sigma) = { p_1,..,p_{n-1} } and let p_n=p, c_n=c Then, dom(\sigma') = { p_1,..,p_n } \sigma'(p_i) = \sigma(p_i) for i=1..n-1 Since P |- \sigma : E and E'=E, c_n p_n for i=1..n-1, E'(p_i) = c_i P;E';p_i |- \sigma'(p_i) : c_i Thus, to prove P |- \sigma' : E' we have to prove E'(p_n) = c_n (follows from definition of E') and P;E';p_n |- \sigma'(p_n) : c_n (3) Let \sigma'(p_n) = {|fn_1 = v_1,..,fn_m = v_m|}^{(0,0)}_{c_n} Since P;E';c |-_initial {|fn_1 = v_1,..,fn_m = v_m|}^{(0,0)}_{c_n} : c_n it follows that for i=1..m P;E';<\epsilon,c_n> |-_inst ([final]? t_i fn_i = v_i [guarded_by l_i]?) Since |- P (from [STORE]) and P;E;\emptyset p_n : c_n applying Lemma 9 (field instantiation) it follows that for i=1..m P;E' |- ([final]? t_i[p/this] = v_i[p/this] [guarded_by l_i[p/this]]?) Also, v_i[p/this] = v_i (v_i is an address since E' contains only addresses) Thus, using [FINAL FIELD INIT] or [FIELD INIT] we have for i=1..m P;E |- v_i : t_i[p/this] Thus, we have \sigma'(p_n) = {|fn_1 = v_1,..,fn_m = v_m|}^{(0,0)}_{c_n} for i=1..m P;E';<\epsilon,c> |-_inst ([final]? t_i fn_i = v_i [guarded_by l_i]?) P;E' |- v_i : t_i[p/this] Applying [VAL SUBCLASS] rule, we get P;E';p_n |- \sigma(p_n) : c_n Thus, we have proved (3) and hence Part 1. (proved) Part 2 : Given P;E;\emptyset |- E[new c] : t. Prove P;E';\emptyset |- E[p] : t Proof of Part 2 --------------- Extend E to E'. P;E';\emptyset |- E[new c] : t From Lemma 3 , we have a subdeduction P;E';ls |- new c : c (for some lockset ls) This judgement can be derived from [EXP NEW] which only requires P;E' |- ls and P;E' |- c Choosing ls = \emptyset, we have P;E';\emptyset |- new c : c From [EXP ADDRESS] we have P;E';\emptyset |- p : c Thus, applying Lemma 4, we get P;E';\emptyset |- E[p] : t (proved) 2. [RED READ] S=<\sigma,E[p.fn]> S'=<\sigma,E[v]> where \sigma(p) = {|.... fn = v .....|}^{(i,j)}_{c} Let P |- \sigma : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[p.fn] : t RTP : P;E;\emptyset |- E[v] : t Proof : There is a subdeduction P;E;ls |- p.fn : s (1) We can use either [EXP REF GUARD] or [EXP REF FINAL] to derive it. Suppose [EXP REF GUARD] is used. Then P;E;ls |- p : c P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst (s' fn = v' guarded_by l) s=s'[p/this] Applying Lemma 11, we have P;E;\emptyset |- v : s and applying Lemma 12, P;E;ls |- v : s (2) From (1) and (2), applying Lemma 4, we have P;E;\emptyset |- E[v] : t (proved) 3. [RED ASSIGN] S=<\sigma,E[p.fn = v]> S'=<\sigma',E[v]> where \sigma'=\sigma[p.fn --> v] Let P |- \sigma : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[p.fn = v] : t RTP : (1) P |- \sigma' : E (2 P;E;\emptyset |- E[v] : t Proof of 1 ---------- We know that dom(\sigma') = dom(\sigma) Let \sigma'(p) = {| .... fn = v .....| }^{(i,j)}_{c} From Lemma 3, there exists a subdeduction P;E;\emptyset |- p.fn = v : s This judgement can only be derived from [EXP ASSIGN] rule, which requires P;E;ls |- p : c P;E;<\emptyset,c> |- (s' fn guarded_by l') s=s'[p/this] P;E;ls |- v : s Using the above judgements and P |- \sigma : E, and the [VAL SUBCLASS] rule, we can deduce P |- \sigma' : E (proved) Proof of Part 2 --------------- The proof for this is similar to the proof of [RED READ]. 4. [RED LET] S = <\sigma,E[let x=v in e]> . S'=<\sigma,E[e[v/x]]> Given P |- S : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[let x=v in e] : t RTP : P;E;\emptyset |- E[e[v/x]] : t Proof : There exists a subdeduction P;E;ls |- let x=v in e : s (1) Note that [EXP LET] rule gives us P;E;ls |- v : t' P;E,t' x;ls |- e : s' (2) P;E |- s'[v/x] s=s'[v/x] Also, P;E |- ls and P |- E,t' x implies that ls does not contain x Substituion [v/x] in (2) and applying Lemma 5, we have P;E;ls |- e[v/x] : s'[v/x] Thus, we have P;E;ls |- e[v/x] : s. Using this and (1) and applying Lemma 4, we have P;E;\emptyset |- E[e[v/x]] : t (proved) 5. [RED SYNC] S=<\sigma,E[synchronized p e]> S'=<\sigma',E[in-sync p e]> Given P |- \sigma : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[synchronized p e] : t RTP : P |- \sigma' : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[in-sync p e] : t \sigma' differs from \sigma at p. If \sigma(p) = {|db|}^{(0,0)}_{c} then \sigma'(p) = {|db|}^{(k,1)}_{c} (thread k acquires lock on p) If \sigma(p) = {|db|}^{(k,i)}_{c} then \sigma'(p) = {|db|}^{(k,i+1)}_{c} (thread k already holds the lock on p) In both cases, P |- \sigma' : E follows from P |- \sigma : E Proof : There is a subdeduction P;E;ls |- sunchronized p e : s This is derived using the [EXP SYNC] rule. Thus, we have P;E;ls |-_final p : c P;E;ls U { p } |- e : s From these two, using the [EXP IN-SYNC] rule, we can deduce P;E;ls |- in-sync p e : s Thus, using lemma 4, we have P;E;\emptyset |- E[in-sync p e] : t (proved) 6. [RED IN-SYNC] Proof similar to [RED SYNC] above. 7. [RED FORK] S=<\sigma,T.E[p.fork].T'> S'=<\sigma,T.E[0].T'.(> Given P |- S : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[p.fork] : t RTP : (1) P;E;\emptyset |- E[0] : t (2) P;E;\emptyset |- : t' Proof : There exists a subdeduction P;E;ls |- p.fork : int This can only be derived from the [EXP FORK] rule. Thus, we have P;E;ls |- p : c (1) E' = c x P;E';\emptyset |- : int (2) Note that we can choose ls = \emptyset Thus, we have P;E;\emptyset |- p.fork : int Using P;E;\emptyset |- 0 : int and Lemma 4 we have P;E;\emptyset : E[0] : t (Part 1 proved) Extending the environment in (2) to E and choosing x such that P |- E, c x, we have P;E,c x;\emptyset |- : int Using (1) and Lemma 5, replace x with p to get P;E;\emptyset |- : int (Part 2 proved) 8. [RED INVOKE] S=<\sigma,E[]> S'=<\sigma,E[e[x_1/v_1,..,x_n,v_n,p/this]]> where dom(\sigma) = { p_1,..,p_n } \sigma(p_i) = {|db_i|}^{..}_{c_i} E = c_1 p_1,..,c_n p_n \sigma(p) = {|db|}^{(i,j)}_{c} \theta is a substitution such that P;E;<\theta,c> |-_inst t mn(t_0 this,t_1 x_1,...,t_n x_n) requires ls { e } (1) for i=1..n P;E;\emptyset |- v_i : t_i (2) P;E;\emptyset |- p : t_0 (3) Given P |- \sigma : E and P;E;\emptyset |- E[] : s RTP : P;E;\emptyset |- E[e[v_1/x_1,../,v_n/x_n,p/this]] : s Proof : From the hypothesis and Lemma 3, there exists a subdeduction P;E;ls' |- : t' (4) [EXP INVOKE] rule, gives us There exists \theta' such that P; E; ls' |- p : c P; E; <\theta',c> |-_inst (t' mn(t'_0 this,t'_1 x_1,..,t'_k x_k) requires ls'' { e' } for i = 1..n P;E;ls' |- v_i: t'_i P;E;ls |- p : t'_0 P;E |- ls''[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] \subseteq ls' (5) From (1), (2), and (3) we can take \theta'=\theta, t'=t, t'_i = t_i and ls''=ls in the above judgements. Using (1) and Lemma 9 (method instantiation) we get P;E |- t mn(t_0 this,t_1 x_1,..,t_n x_n) requires ls { e } Using the [METHOD] rule, we get E'=E E''=E,t_0 this,..,t_n x_n P;E |- t P;E'' |- ls (6) P;E'';ls |- e : t (7) Using (2), (3) and applying Lemma 5 to (6) and (7), we have P;E |- ls[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] P;E;ls[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] |- e[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] : t[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] Note that t cannot contain x_1..n or 'this'. Therefore, t[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this]=t Thus, P;E;ls[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] |- e[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] : t (8) Using (5) and the result ls''=ls, we have P;E |- ls[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] \subseteq ls' Extending the lockset in (8), we have P;E;ls' |- e[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this] : t (9) Using (9), (4), t'=t and applying Lemma 4 to the hypothesis, we get P;E;\emptyset |- E[e[v_1/x_1,..,v_n/x_n,p/this]] : s (proved) --------------------------------------------------------- Lemma 14 and Lemma 15 of [1] show that two threads cannot hold the same lock simultaneously. These lemmas are adopted as is. Lemma 14 : If e is in the critical section of p and ls |-_{cs} e, then p \in ls. Lemma 15 (Mutual exclusion subject reduction) : If P |- S : E and |-_{cs} S and P |- S ---> S', then |-_{cs} S'. Lemma 16 differs from Lemma 16 in [1] in that it does not include P |- S:E in the hypothesis. Lemma 16 (Field Access) Suppose P;E;\emptyset |- e : t and e accesses p.fn. Then P;E |- p : c and 1. P;E;<\epsilon,c> |-_inst (s fn = v guarded_by l) and e is in the critical section of l[p/this]. OR 2.P;E;<\epsilon,c> |- (s final fn = v) Lemma 16 guarantees that whenever any thread access a guarded field, it has to first acquire the lock guarding the field. Proof : Let e = E[p.fn] Since P;E;\emptyset |- E[p.fn] : t, by lemma 3, there exists a subdeduction concluding P;E;ls |- p.fn : s We can reach this conclusion via either [EXP REF GUARD] or [EXP REF FINAL] a. [EXP REF GUARD] Since P;E |- p : c, it follows that P;E;<\epsilon,c> |- (s' fn = v guarded_by l) s = s'[p/this] P;E |- l[p/this] \in ls Thus, from lemma 3 it follows that E[p.fn] is in the critical section of l[p/this] b. [EXP REF FINAL] Since P;E |- p : c, it follows that P;E;<\epsilon,c> |- (final s' fn) s=s'[p/this] (proved) ---------- Theorem 17 (No conflicting accesses) Suppose P |- S : E and |-_cs S. Then S does not have any conflicting accesses. Theorem 17 says that no two threads can access the same guarded field concurrently. Proof : From [1]. Let S = <\sigma,T>. Since P |- S : E, we have P;E;\emptyset |- t_i for i=1..|T| If t_i accesses p.fn, from lemma 16 we have a. either p.fn is a final field, in which case it cannot have a conflicting access. b. t_i is in the critical section of the lock guarding p.fn (say l). Since |-_cs S, for all j!=i, t_j is not in the critical section of l and hence t_j cannot access p.fn. Thus there is no conflicting access on p.fn (proved) Theorem 18 (Race Freedom) If |- P, then P does not have a race condition. Proof: From [1]. Since |- P, we have P;\emptyset;\emptyset |- e : t We start in the state <\emptyset,e> . P |- <\emptyset,e> : \emptyset follows from [STATE] |-_cs <\emptyset,e> also holds. Thus, if <\emptyset,e> --->* S then by lemmas 16 and 17 P |- S : E for some E and |_cs S. Thus, lemma 17 ensures that S does not have any conflicting accesses. Since every state S reachable from the initial state does not have conflicting accesses, P is race-free. (proved) ------------------------------------------------------------------ References [1] Martin Abadi and Cormac Flanagan and Stephen Freund. Types for Safe Locking: Static Race Detection for Java. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and appear. [2] C. Flanagan and S. Qadeer. A type and effect system for atomicity. In Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), pages 338{349. ACM Press, 2003. [3] C. Flanagan and S. Freund. Type-based race detection for Java. In Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), pages 219{232. ACM Press, 2000. [4] Amit Sasturkar, Rahul Agarwal, Liqiang Wang and Scott D. Stoller. Automated Type-Based Analysis of Data Races and Atomicity. Computer Science Department, SUNY at Stony Brook. Technical Report DAR-04-18. Available at