
cse308 - Thur 11/15 lecture by CA

Tomorrow, Thursday 11/15, our 308 lecture will be given by Roya
Montazeri, a Development AVP from Computer Associates.  Below is the
title and abstract.

You can see that "documentation" and "communication" are emphasized.
What are they in this course?  All the homeworks?  You will be asked
to infer yourself.

		  Software Engineering Methodology

This presentation details the general software development methodology
in use at Computer Associates.  The keys to a good software
development methodology are project documentation and communication.
Documentation must be created at each phase of the development cycle
and updated as necessary throughout a project.  Communication involves
keeping project documents current, making project document updates
readily available, and holding regularly scheduled cross-functional
meetings of all project stakeholders.  Meeting minutes provide a
useful reference and keep management and the members of the project
team apprised of the project status.

The development methodology at Computer Associates includes five
phases: Planning, Design, Implementation, Verification and Rollout.
Each phase has documentation deliverables that must be completed and
reviewed before the software development project moves to the next
phase, however, this methodology is an iterative process.  It is
expected that many of the phases will overlap and the tasks required
for the various groups will be happening in parallel.  As the product
evolves during the development process, the project team updates the
existing documentation and communicates these changes.

At the end of a well-run project there is a full set of requirements,
design, and testing documentation that reflect the GA version of the
product, and which can be turned over to support and maintenance
groups with confidence.